Well here's a little update on his progress...
Potty training: going pee pee
BY HIMSELF now! I don't have to go in there with him. He gets up on the stool, pulls his clothes down, sticks his belly out and pees in the toilet. yaay! He gets a little over the seat, he's not "holding" it yet...but he does pretty good! The best part is, is that he's doing it by himself, all I have to tell him now is "JoJo if you need to peepee go by yourself, ok?" and he says "ok". I think he just needs to hear it.
Now, #2 is a
completely different story. He'll do the poopoo dance for a few minutes (shuffling his feet and pacing the room in a circle really fast)...that's how we know he's "going". We used to ask him all the time "do you need to poo? do you need to go to the bathroom" and all the time he would say NO...then we'd get mad, threaten him, take stuff away... and
feel really bad. SO we stopped doing that, it was stressing him out. We now just leave him.
We don't say anything, although I do have to slip in there "poopoo goes in the toilet". and leave it at that. After he does his poo, in his pants, I USED to stress over wiping his butt...really get on him about it. And he used to NOT want me to wipe his butt, we could go around in circles, oh for 30-45 mins and he would
refuse to take his pants off. Well, to
heck with that. Now I just leave it. I just tell him "you let mommy know when you need to wipe ok". I just say it once, and however long it takes him, he will now come up to me and say "wipe now mommy" so I think we are making progress! little itty bitty steps.
He goes to bed around 8-8:30pm and wakes up at 5:30am on the weekdays and usually 6:30am on weekends. He favorite food until recently was taco rice, now it's just plain ole rice. He favorite thing to watch is anything with dinosaurs in it. Favorite TV show is Dinosaur Train and movie is The Land of the Lost, because it has a big dinosaur in it. He loves to sing along to all the tunes in the shows and dances too.
Starting next week we are going to try him at Karate. The school he goes to, Santa Monica, has Karate, Yoga and Ballet lessons for 3+ yr olds. I personally think he would do great in ballet, but my husband just won't have it. BOO!

He can count to 30, he might miss a couple, but he does really good. He knows his upper case and lower case letters. He can draw an almost smiley face. His coloring is more controlled and not so wild all over the paper. He can spell his name, he cannot write it yet. He loves it when we give him stuff to do, as long as he wants to do it of course! (sweep, vacuum, put laundry in the basket, put something in the trash, get his clothes out for the day). He can undress by himself, and dress his bottom half. T-Shirts are still a struggle to put on, he puts his arm over the top through the neck hole and down, and tries to find the arm hole. It's quite funny to watch, but I usually end up helping him. He know his left shoe goes on his left foot and vice versa. He is learning the days of the week. I got him a chart and he loves running up to it every day and saying "TODAY IS......". of course he gets upset when it's not Saturday or Sunday.

thinking about starting him with gymnastics class on Saturdays, if he doesn't like the karate that is.
OH...and he LOVES playing TEACHER. We play teacher every night and every weekend! It drives me NUTS!! He loves to get a pointer (usually something that's long like a back scratcher or stick or something) and points to the ABC and number charts we have on the wall and we have to say it all out loud. He says "stand up (please)" (we have to remind him to say it nicely) and then IF we do it correctly he says "Good Job Mommy! You get candy". If Daddy doesn't say it right, he will say "no candy for you!". hahaha. Yes this is something I have yet to talk to the teachers about. The overuse of candy if the kids do a good job. No wonder he is so bloomin hyper in the evenings. If he did not say it, I would never have known about the candy.
Oh and at school, starting next week, they are going to start going to the park from 9am-2pm. Personally I think 5 hrs at the park is TOO long for a 3 yr old, so something else I need to talk to the teachers about.
I guess if I blogged more this post wouldn't be so long! LOL