we have always talked to JoJo about anatomically correct names for body parts, and a matter-of-factly, pointing to each area.....head, eyes, ears, chin, shoulders, mouth, arms, legs, penis, feet, toes....etc...etc...
He knows that he is a boy and so is Daddy. He knows that Mommy is a girl but we have never discussed what "mine" is called. He has always said "Mommy no have penis". And we kind of left it at that, no further discussion.
So last night in the shower, he looks at "mine" and says "JoJo have penis, mommy have.......???" and he wanted me to tell him what mine was called.....and I was speechless!! I didn't know what to say!!! Should I say the V word? OMG He's only 3 and a half! Does he need to know? By the way, we have an open door policy in our house, meaning I usually don't get any privacy whatsoever.
So I had to think about it all night. We have always been honest with him, and well, he seems to be curious enough to ask so I'll wait and see if he mentions it again.

Well. JoJo thought that it was the best thing in the world now he knows what mommy has and he let out a big "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" and big smile on his face. And that was that.
He carried on playing his harmonica.