Our appt. was at 1130 the the New York Dental Clinic (no, it's not in New York, it's in Naha!!) lol
Place was quite nice, very new and very clean.....but.....we had to wait......and wait......and wait.....
more waiting....
anyway, it's eventually our turn, we get halfway down the hall and JoJo stops and decides....UHHHHH no....I am NOT going down there....so we had to coax him a little....ok a lot......

here he is holding one of his bribes...he must be thinking OMG what am I doing here???

then he looks at me and is probably thinking...how COULD you? You're MY MOMMY!!! You're supposed to be nice and sweet and protect me and give me hugs and kisses and candy......
I guess it wouldn't have been so bad if they didn't leave us in the room sooo long waiting for the dentist...but they did....which gave him more time to freak out of course....

you know he's thinking..WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?

OPEN WIDE!! Actually he was a good boy, but the lady couldn't get him to lay back in the chair, it freaked him OUT...we tried several times but no go.

I have no idea how I am going to get him to go AGAIN, but I'll guess we'll cross that bridge......